Alpay Akgüç

Alpay Akgüç was born in 1985 in Zonguldak, Turkey. Having graduated from TED Zonguldak College Foundation Private High School in 2003, Akgüç studied at Mechanical Engineering Department, Bülent Ecevit University, and graduated with a BSc degree in 2007. The same year, he was admitted to Heat-Fluids Postgraduate Program at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Istanbul Technical University (ITU). During the thesis dissertation process, he was also involved in a part as a scholarship student in a Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) 1001 project (Project No: 107M231), titled as “Optimization of Computational Fluid Dynamics Problems Using Kriging and POD Methods”. Upon successful completion of the project and thesis dissertation process, he was graduated in 2010 and employed as a building performance modeling specialist at the International Center for Applied Thermodynamics (ICAT) of Yeditepe University during the same year. In the scope of his task, he lectured on the TRNSYS building simulation tool and published academic studies. Akgüç was admitted to the Building Sciences PhD Program at the Faculty of Architecture, ITU in 2011, and assumed the position of project manager at Ecological Architectural Consultancy (EKOMIM), an R&D firm at ITU Ari Teknokent, the same year. Continued his task for a number of years on the assessment of energy performance of buildings in the scope of green building certification systems, including LEED and BREEAM, accommodating building simulation tools such as EnergyPlus and DesignBuilder that used detailed-dynamic calculation methods. During the foregoing assignment, he successfully completed the TUBITAK 1001 project (Project No: 113M596), titled as “Determination of Reference Buildings and Methodology for Cost Optimal Energy Efficiency Level in Turkey” under supervision of Zerrin Yılmaz, Prof. Dr., the thesis advisor. In addition to the above project, he worked for 3 years as a subcontractor with EKOMIM company in a project that aimed to improve the energy efficiency of the building air conditioning systems of Fatih Sport Facility in Istanbul within the scope of the SMARTSPACES project supported by the European Union (EU). Upon successful completion of the aforementioned task, he was employed as a ‘green building specialist’ at ARUP Engineering and Consulting company in 2016. During his tenure, he was in charge of green building certification systems, including LEED and ESTIDAMA, with the help of the IES building performance simulation tool, as well as assessment of energy efficiency of buildings, and further design of air conditioning systems. After graduated with a PhD degree in 2019, he conducted his studies as an assistant professor in Architectural Department of Girne American University, and Istanbul Aydın University until 2023. Nowadays, he publishes scientific studies on his ongoing research in the fields of building energy efficiency and improving building energy performance in Istanbul Bilgi University.


Evaluating Cost-Optimality of High-Rise Buildings by Considering Outdoor Air Rates in TS825 Standard
Alpay Akgüç, Ayse Zerrin Yilmaz. © 2024. 19 pages.
The construction of high-rise residential buildings has been increasing dramatically, but a crucial part of energy consumption of these buildings still depends on fossil fuels....