Akmal Rustamovich Akhatov

Akmal Akhatov is a doctor of technical sciences, professor, and vice-rector for international cooperation of Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov, specialty 05.01.02 - “Systematic analysis, management, and information processing”. The number of published scientific works is more than 100. Field of scientific interests: data processing, increasing and ensuring the reliability of this process, automation of decision-making and management processes in information processing, artificial intelligence systems, and Big Data.


Real-Time Big Data Processing Based on a Distributed Computing Mechanism in a Single Server
Akbar Rashidov, Akmal Rustamovich Akhatov, Fayzullo Makhmadiyarovich Nazarov. © 2023. 18 pages.
Today, the problem of processing big data in real time is observed not only in unstructured big data but also in dealing with structured data in databases of small businesses and...