Agrata Gupta

Agrata Gupta is currently working as a Data Science Research scholar at Christ (Deemed to be University), Bengaluru, India. She completed her master’s degree in Data Analytics from Christ (Deemed to be University), Bengaluru, India, in 2022 and her bachelor’s degree in Statistics (Hons.) from the University of Delhi, India, in 2020. Her research areas are Blockchain technology, Cryptocurrency and Security. She has completed nine certifications in the field of Statistics and Data Science from different IITs and from other institutions. She also works as a Financial Analyst in a Las Vegas-based software development company, AXEL.


An Exploratory Study of Python's Role in the Advancement of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Ecosystems
Agrata Gupta, N. Arulkumar. © 2023. 17 pages.
Blockchain is the foundation of cryptocurrency and enables decentralized transactions through its immutable ledger. The technology uses hashing to ensure secure transactions and...