Adriana Nicoleta Lazar

Adriana Lazar is currently a PhD Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education Sciences, Social Sciences and Psychology, The National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Pitești University Centre, where she teaches courses of Didactics of Romanian for pre-school and primary school teachers, English Methodology, Children Literature, English for children, Romanian for foreign students. She holds a PhD in Philology, two BA diplomas in English, French and Romanian language and literature, and a Masters in translation studies. She has published ISI articles, books, translation works and book reviews on Romanian/English/French literature, education, linguistics and didactics. She has been the manager and a researcher in European programmes dealing with educational aspects.


Educational Theories Related to Early Schooling Systems
Claudiu Langa, Adriana Nicoleta Lazar. © 2024. 24 pages.
In an analytical approach, this chapter analyzes the educational paradigms and pedagogical premises of early education, which reinforce and support that the education and...