Adilson Yoshikuni

Postdoctorate and PhD in Business Administration from FGV-EAESP (2018,2015), Master in Accounting and Actuarial Sciences from PUC-SP (2005), Postgraduate in International Executive MBA from FGV-EBAPE and University of California Irvine- USA (2005), Bachelor's degree in Computer Science (1995) and System Analysis (1993) from Universidade Paulista. At Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, he is a full professor of the Master's and Professional Doctorate program in Business Controlling and Finance (PPGCFE), and coordinator of the research group in Technology & Analytics in Management, Accounting and Finance (TAMAF), guest professor at the Development Institute Educational IDE from FGV. He worked as a manager in Manufacturing Industries for several years, and business manager and project director in Business Consulting and Information Technology, in projects for medium and large companies, in the Manufacturing Industry, Services, Finance and Agribusiness sectors. . He has accumulated experience in the area of ​​Administration, Controlling and Applied Technology with an emphasis on Business Management, in the interrelationship of the areas of Strategy, Dynamic Capacity, Human Resources, Performance Management, Innovation, Ambidexterity, Business Process Performance, among others.


International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications (IJESMA)
Rajeev Dwivedi, Adilson Yoshikuni. Est. 2009.
The objective of the International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications (IJESMA) is to be a truly interdisciplinary journal providing comprehensive coverage and...