A B M Shawkat Ali

A B M Shawkat Ali has been involved with research and teaching in Australia and overseas universities at undergraduate and postgraduate levels over the past 12 years. He holds a PhD in Information Technology from Monash University (Australia) in statistical learning theory. He is an author of a data mining textbook published by Thomson and has published over 55 book chapters, journals, and conference papers in the fields of data mining, bioinformatics, telecommunications, and sensor networking. He has served as the Program Chair for the IEEE International Workshop on Data Mining and Artificial Intelligence since 2008. He has also been a PC member for many international conferences including IEEE AINA, IEEE/ACIS ICCIS and IEEE ICAINA.


Dynamic and Advanced Data Mining for Progressing Technological Development: Innovations and Systemic Approaches
A B M Shawkat Ali, Yang Xiang. © 2010. 516 pages.
Overcoming many challenges, data mining has already established discipline capability in many domains. Dynamic and Advanced Data Mining for Progressing Technological Development...