Aarti Dangwal

Aarti Dangwal is a PhD holder in Management having an experience of 11 years currently working as an Assistant Professor with the Chitkara Business School, Chitkara University, Punjab,India.She has contributed several articles and chapters in the peer-reviewed, and Scopus journals. Her research areas are Tourism, Finance and Business etc.


Destination Branding and Mega Events: A Case of FIFA World Cup 2022 and Sultanate of Oman
Mohit Kukreti, Amitabh Mishra, Aarti Dangwal, Vishal Jain, Veena Tewari. © 2023. 18 pages.
Tourist attractions are often centered on mega sports events. Since the mega events have the potential to generate new revenue and enhance the appeal of the destination...
Neuromarketing Science: A Road to a Commercial Start-Up
Aarti Dangwal, Devesh Bathla, Mohit Kukreti, Mankaj Mehta, Prashant Chauhan, Ruhi Sarangal. © 2023. 10 pages.
Neuromarketing is ruling the industry making all other traditional ways obsolete as the future of marketing is getting more demanding. As a matter of fact, neuro marketing is...
A Bibliometric Analysis of Green Tourism Based on the Scopus Platform
Dr. Aarti Dangwal, Simranjeet Kaur, Sanjay Taneja, Ercan Ozen. © 2022. 14 pages.
In this study, a review of green tourism research is conducted. Using bibliometric analysis, existing and emergent research clusters were identified for epistemological...
Entrepreneurship Education Development in the Context of Tourism in Oman
Mohit Kukreti, M. R. Dileep, Aarti Dangwal. © 2022. 33 pages.
An entrepreneurship is a key factor for any country that aims to become competitive in the knowledge-based global market as it is viewed as a means of promoting economic growth...