Aamir Aijaz Syed

Aamir Aijaz Syed is working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Management at the Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University, India. He has completed his Doctorate in Finance from the Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, India, and his thesis was based on international banking non-performing loan issues. His research interest includes non-performing loan mitigation strategies, international banking, corporate finance, and international economic issues. He is an avid researcher and has published papers more than 40 research paper in Scopus and SSCI indexed journals like Journal of Public Affairs, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Sustainability, International Journal of Disaster and Risk Reduction, Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance, Journal of Knowledge Economy, Global Business Review, etc.


Does Economic Uncertainty Obstruct the Financial Inclusion Projects of the Central Bank of India: Role of Governance
Aamir Aijaz Syed. © 2024. 12 pages.
Financial inclusion provides swift and economical financial services to the remotest population and helps in generating funds. However, researchers conclude that economic events...
Financial Inclusion and Fintech Research in India: A Review
Peterson K. Ozili, Aamir Aijaz Syed. © 2024. 18 pages.
This chapter presents a concise review of the existing financial inclusion research in India. The authors use a thematic literature review methodology. They show that the Reserve...