Flipping the Indian HEI Classroom Based on Technology

Flipping the Indian HEI Classroom Based on Technology

Amandeep Singh, Jyoti Verma, Gagandeep Kaur
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7639-0.ch003
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Flipping the classroom serves as a foundation to foster self-learning in the student. This study aims to explore the benefits and challenges of implementing the flipped classroom method in Indian HEIs. Different HEIs in India reveal student comfort, expanded learning, further developed execution and criticism, customized consideration and upgraded cooperation, better survey, and ideal use of class time as the major benefits of this method. This method also faces certain challenges like shortfall of requirements, weakening of educator impact, food of model, and particular flipping. It can possibly adjust the conveyance and absorption of HEI instruction. Nonetheless, while examining a flip of the HEI classroom, there is a necessity to tread carefully. The obstructions in the method of the successful execution of this method should be battled before the method can convey the ideal outcomes.
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Review Of Literature

Straightforwardly characterized it alludes to a review procedure where students do the institute’s work at institute and the homework at home. This instructive methodology licenses educators/teachers to utilize a mix of study hall strategies pointed toward consolidating e-learning and classroom guidance (Vilceanu et al., 2019). Such a mix is known to be better than the singular utilization of one or the other procedure.

Flipping a classroom includes the distinguishing proof of the 'repetition or procedural components of an illustration, moving this dull substance to a medium not limited by educator accessibility, and engaging students to play a functioning job in their schooling’. The educational interaction accordingly gets flipped 'utilizing innovation to “time-shift” direct guidance where suitable'. Flipping a classroom in this way purposefully moves 'a portion of the data conveyance to beyond the study hall fully intent on saving chance to utilize the eye-to-eye cooperation… '. This adds up to a reversal of the occasions, which customarily occur inside the study hall and outside the classroom.

According to Dunn (2014), guidelines are normally conveyed external the study hall and schoolwork are moved into the classroom. A lot of techniques were formulated as a solution for the issue of student’s non-appearance. To deal with this issue, Bergmann and Sams began recording their talks and posting them on the web. This permitted the students to remotely get to directions. The progress of this model drove the educators to scrutinize the viability of conveying guidelines in the study hall. In view of their trial the educators recommended that immediate directions ought to be accessible to the students outside the study hall so that class time can be used for significant communications and high-level subjects (Bergmann and Sams, 2014).

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