The Impact of Short Video Live Broadcast on the Sales of Sports Machinery and Equipment

The Impact of Short Video Live Broadcast on the Sales of Sports Machinery and Equipment

Chunyue Huang, Lichun Chen
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/IJeC.344027
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This paper proposes a neural network model based on deep learning, which can better analyze the impact of short video live broadcast on sports machinery and equipment. Firstly, this paper proposes a U-Net-based convolutional neural network as the backbone network of this paper, which mainly realizes the impact of short video live broadcast on sales. Secondly, this paper proposes a dense residual module based on the Transformer lightweight module, which can effectively improve the global modeling ability of the network model and improve the prediction accuracy of the network model. Finally, through a large number of experiments, it is proved that the convolutional neural network based on U-Net proposed in this paper can be better used for the task of short video live broadcast for the sales of sports machinery and equipment, and achieves better prediction accuracy and reasoning speed.
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Literature Review

With the rapid development of the economy, people gradually have realized the importance of health (Qu et al., 2024). Health is a precious wealth of people. Without health, there is no colorful life (Huang et al., 2024). With the deepening of the concept of health, people gradually have paid attention to various risk factors that may affect health around people's clothing, food, housing, transportation, birth, old age, sickness, and death (Şenyapar, 2024). At the same time, in the pursuit of a kind of mental, physical, spiritual, and moral health, the concept of health also encourages people to pay for health, which involves various types of health-service organizations and activities (W. Zhang et al., 2024).

The traditional method uses the online sales platform to meet the user's demand for sales equipment, but this method has little effect (Q. Zhang et al., 2024). How to use the current sales platform to increase the sales of sports machinery equipment is still a challenging question. With the continuous development of the mobile internet era, the content of dissemination and the way of live broadcast have changed to a great extent, especially as the short-video live broadcast has become the frontrunner of the standout (Yao et al., 2024). The progress of the information age has broken the enterprise-centered sales, allowing more consumers to participate in the production process. There are many users of short-video platforms, and the profit models of the internet are diverse, making users become viewers of short videos and participants of short-video additions (Yu et al., 2024). Content creators can use the short-video platform to realize video sharing, video creation, content promotion, and other activities. Video creators can push these contents and advertisements to the customer groups in need through data analysis, improved customer faithfulness, and building of a fan economy. In the process of watching, ordinary viewers can make rational purchases according to their own needs for the content of short videos, add-on live broadcasts, and advertisements. At the same time, users feel that the product has certain development advantages and can also carry out secondary promotion and sales (Medjdoubi et al., 2024). Live delivery of goods through short-video live broadcasts on the internet has become a key sales channel at present. In this article, the key way to realize the sales of sports machinery equipment can be realized through short-video live broadcast.

In order to increase the sales of sports machinery equipment, the use of short-video live broadcasts to bring goods has become a key channel for current sales. A large number of merchants and platforms have already participated in this process. The reason is that the low-cost and quick-acting publicity method can quickly fix users (McDonald et al., 2024). Different from traditional online sales platforms, with this new way, people can continuously shorten the distance between merchants and customers in the process of watching videos, potentially motivating customers to buy sports and fitness equipment from merchants, as they are more recognized for this sales method. It has become a key mode of livestreaming (Soliman et al., 2024).

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