Rabia Azzemou

Rabia Azzemou is a professor and researcher in the field of management, specializing in lean manufacturing. She obtained her doctorate from the University of Oran Ahmed Ben Ahmed. With over 15 years of experience in higher education, she currently heads the Institute of Applied Sciences and Techniques (ISTA), where she teaches business management to undergraduate students and Lean Management to professional Master's students. Her research focuses on the application of lean manufacturing, a managerial approach aimed at optimizing production processes by eliminating waste and maximizing value for the customer. Her research explores the practical applications of this methodology in the specific context of Algerian businesses, where she seeks to improve operational efficiency and competitiveness in the global market. In addition to her work on lean manufacturing, Pr. Azzemou is also interested in alternative economic models focused on sustainability. Convinced of the growing importance of corporate social and environmental responsibility, she explores potential synergies between these models and lean manufacturing, thereby seeking to promote more environmentally friendly and socially responsible business practices.


Intelligent Methods and Alternative Economic Models for Sustainability
Latifa Dekhici, Khaled Guerraiche, Rabia Azzemou, Jihène Jlassi. © 2024. 332 pages.
In the face of a world overwhelmed by environmental challenges, the need for sustainability has reached a critical juncture. This multidimensional concept demands a delicate...