Trust Dynamics in Remote Patient-Expert Communication: Unraveling the Role of ICT in Indonesia's Private Healthcare Sector

Trust Dynamics in Remote Patient-Expert Communication: Unraveling the Role of ICT in Indonesia's Private Healthcare Sector

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2141-6.ch010
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Trust dynamics in remote patient-expert communication in Indonesia's private healthcare sector are a critical element of trust facilitated by information and communication technologies (ICT). This study investigates how trust shapes patient interactions and sixteen private practitioners using ICT for consultations. Integrating established theories from computer-mediated communication (CMC), the research illuminates the nuanced dynamics of trust in healthcare. The study reveals distinct patterns, such as healthcare experts' trust significantly influencing their willingness to conduct remote medical acts. Mental health experts leverage ICT's accessibility to nurture and sustain patient trust, unveiling innovative approaches in remote healthcare interactions.
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2. Background

Trust in remote patient-expert contact via ordinary ICTs is an important but seldom studied topic (Clavier & Paganelli, 2022). In order for doctors to feel comfortable offering remote treatment, patients must demonstrate trustworthiness. Trust might be badly affected in distant consultations due to a lack of data and limited communication abilities. This research addresses a knowledge vacuum by investigating the specific dynamics of trust in healthcare communication conducted remotely; its findings may lead to better treatment and better results for patients (Terkamo et al., 2022). By learning more about the importance of trust in distant patient contact, medical professionals will be better equipped to decide whether or not to perform medical procedures remotely. In order to help healthcare professionals choose and use ICT tools more effectively, this study elucidates the perceived constraints of certain technologies for computer-mediated communication. Better healthcare communication tools may be possible as a result of the study's recommendations. In order to establish personalized guidelines and benchmarks for remote treatment, medical institutions might use the study's results on trust dynamics. Because they show how easily accessible ICT fosters the maintenance and development of trust in mental health contexts, the study's findings have significant consequences for mental health practitioners. When formulating policies and laws pertaining to healthcare ICT, lawmakers and regulatory bodies may refer to this report. Doing so will provide the framework for regulations that will guarantee safe and ethical remote healthcare.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Remote Communication: Those involved in remote communication are not always in the same physical place as one another, yet they are able to communicate and share resources anyway. Generally speaking, when healthcare professionals and patients engage in digital interactions like video calls, messaging apps, or any number of other communication tools, this is known as remote communication.

Communication Technologies: The term “communication technologies” encompasses a wide range of devices, networks, and software that allow for the conveyance of ideas, information, and data from one party to another. In the healthcare setting, this refers to online resources that facilitate two-way contact between patients and medical professionals.

Trust Dynamics: The dynamic and multi-faceted nature of trust in any particular setting is what trust dynamics are all about. Trust dynamics, as used in this chapter, are the complex interplay of elements that affect patients' and healthcare providers' confidence in one another during remote contact. Included in this category are factors including the importance of information and communication technology, the perceived reliability of a person or organization, and the efficacy of their communication.

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