Role of Cutting-Edge Technologies and Deep Learning Frameworks in the Digital Healthcare Sector

Role of Cutting-Edge Technologies and Deep Learning Frameworks in the Digital Healthcare Sector

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3218-4.ch001
(Individual Chapters)
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Digital healthcare represents the fusion of life sciences and technology, showcasing a remarkable surge in growth. The acceleration of digital healthcare is primarily propelled by the integration of cutting-edge technologies. The integration of cutting-edge technologies and frameworks such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, computer vision, robotics, internet of things, augmented reality and virtual reality, blockchain, and deep leaning frameworks has revolutionized the way healthcare services are delivered and managed. This chapter explores the roles, challenges, and use cases of cutting-edge technologies and modern deep learning frameworks within the digital healthcare landscape. Subsequently, the chapter delves into the convergence of these technologies and frameworks, with the overarching goal of advancing healthcare practices. This chapter explores the various applications of emerging technologies and modern deep learning frameworks, including personalized medicine, remote patient monitoring, predictive analytics, and secure health data management.
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2. Cutting Edge Technologies And Their Role In Digital Healthcare

The IoT, blockchain and AI when implemented with specific solutions have tremendous potential (Daniels et al., 2018). In this section we describe how these technologies are already making an impact on healthcare and what challenges are being faced.

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