A Novel Human Embryo Microscope Image Classification Technique Based on ConvNeXtLarge Model

A Novel Human Embryo Microscope Image Classification Technique Based on ConvNeXtLarge Model

Prithwish Raymahapatra, Alex Khang, Avijit Kumar Chaudhuri
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2105-8.ch015
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Assisted reproductive technology (ART) has indeed revolutionized the field of infertility treatment and has significantly improved the chances of a successful pregnancy for many couples. In vitro fertilization (IVF) is one of the most well-known and widely used ART methods. This research highlights the importance of embryological analysis in the IVF process and the potential role of artificial intelligence, specifically deep learning algorithms, in improving this aspect of the procedure. ART methods help address infertility issues in couples through various medical procedures. IVF is one such technique where eggs and sperm are combined outside the body, allowing for fertilization and early embryo development in a controlled environment. The success of ART procedures, especially IVF, depends on the quality and morphology of the embryos. Embryos typically develop into blastocysts within 3-5 days. These blastocysts consist of several critical components, including trophectoderm, zona pellucida, blastocoel, and inner cell mass.
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1. Introduction

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a medical procedure in which an egg is fertilized by sperm outside the body, typically in a laboratory setting. It is a common method for couples who experience fertility issues. In the context of IVF, human embryo components refer to the various elements and structures within an embryo, including the blastocyst, trophoblast, inner cell mass, and other relevant features (Jain & Al Khalili, 2021). A blastocyst is an early stage of development in mammals, including humans, that occurs shortly after fertilization. It is a structure formed during embryogenesis and consists of two distinct cell populations: the trophoblast and the inner cell mass. The trophoblast is the outer layer of cells in the blastocyst. It plays a crucial role in implantation, which is the process of the blastocyst attaching to and embedding itself in the uterine lining.

The trophoblast later develops into extraembryonic tissues, such as the placenta, which is responsible for providing nutrients and oxygen to the developing embryo and removing waste products (Cutting, 2018; Lubis & Halim, 2018; Wu et al., 2016; Zhao et al., 2021). The inner cell mass (ICM) is the inner cluster of cells within the blastocyst. These cells are pluripotent, which means they have the potential to differentiate into all the cell types that make up the adult organism. The ICM gives rise to the embryo itself, developing into the various tissues and organs of the fetus. Together, the trophoblast and inner cell mass are critical components of the early embryo, and they work in concert to ensure the successful implantation and subsequent development of the developing embryo into a fully formed fetus (Battaglia et al., 2019; Richter et al., 2001; Shi et al., 2020).

These components play a crucial role in embryo development and the success of IVF. Artificial Intelligence (AI) involves the development of algorithms and computer programs that can learn and make decisions or predictions based on data. In this case, AI is likely being used to analyze and interpret data related to embryo components. In this research work AI is being used to identify and characterize different components of the human embryo. This can include the quantification and classification of these components. AI can be used to analyze images of embryos obtained during IVF procedures. It may identify and classify different components of the embryos, such as the number and quality of blastomeres or the presence of abnormal structures. AI could be used to assess the quality of embryos based on the detected components. High-quality embryos have a higher chance of resulting in a successful pregnancy.

AI algorithms might be used to predict the viability of embryos and their potential to result in a successful pregnancy, helping embryologists and clinicians make informed decisions.By automating the process of detecting and assessing embryo components, AI can streamline the IVF process, reduce the workload of embryologists, and potentially improve the success rates of IVF treatments. This research may involve the integration of AI with other data sources, such as patient medical histories and genetic information, to provide a more comprehensive assessment of embryo viability (Wang & Ang, 2015; Zhao et al., 2018). It's worth noting that the use of AI in assisted reproduction is an evolving field, and research and development in this area continue to advance. The goal is often to improve the chances of successful pregnancies while reducing the risks and costs associated with IVF.

Semantic segmentation is used for pixel-wise classification of images, and it has applications in various fields, including medical image segmentation for embryology. There has been limited research on deep learning-based analysis of embryos, despite the potential for accurate pixel-wise detection of embryo components. Some researchers have used non-segmentation-based methods for embryo analysis, such as using artificial intelligence to predict blastocyst creation and single-component detection using techniques like level-set segmentation and preprocessing.

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