BCWB: A P300 Brain-Controlled Web Browser

BCWB: A P300 Brain-Controlled Web Browser

Sofien Gannouni, Nourah Alangari, Hassan Mathkour, Hatim Aboalsamh, Kais Belwafi
Copyright: © 2017 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/IJSWIS.2017040104
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Web access and web resources open many horizons, their usage increases in all life aspects including government, education, commerce and entertainment, where the key to such resources lies in Web browsers. Acknowledging the importance of universal accessibility to web resources, the W3C has developed a series of guidelines into a Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), with the goal of providing access to web resources for people with disabilities. In order to bridge the gap in the digital divide between the disabled and the non-disabled people, the authors believe that the development of novel assistive technologies using new human-computer interfaces will go a long way towards achieving this lofty goal. In this paper, they present a P300 Electroencephalography Brain-controlled Web browser to enhance the accessibility of people with severe motor disabilities to Web resources. It enhances their interaction with the Web taking their needs into account. The proposed Web browser satisfies the Mankoff's requirements of a system that would “allow true web access.”
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2. Web Accessibility

“World Wide Web Consortium” (W3C) provided a set of guidelines for web accessibility to enable people with disability to have full interaction with the Web (consortium, 2012). Few of these guidelines consider the people with severe motor disabilities and none of them consider the low bandwidth input devices where the user is able only to produce one or two kinds of signals.

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