A Case Study Analysis of Pregnancy Discrimination and Women-Friendly Workplaces in U.S. Engineering and Technical Organizations

A Case Study Analysis of Pregnancy Discrimination and Women-Friendly Workplaces in U.S. Engineering and Technical Organizations

Darrell Norman Burrell, Amalisha S. Aridi, Jorja B. Wright, Calvin Nobles, Kevin Richardson, Eugene Lewis, Roxanne Elliott Kemp
DOI: 10.4018/IJAMSE.302900
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Women represent 50% of workers in the United States but only 28% of the employees at 51 of the top U.S. engineering and technology organizations. Engineering and technology firms have experienced significant challenges in creating more women-friendly cultures. According to Women Who Tech’s most recent survey, 75% of female employees have experienced offensive jokes, 54% experienced unwelcome physical contact, 51% had sexually-oriented comments directed at them, and 35% were propositioned for sex. The purpose of this project is to investigate the consequential impact of organizational dynamics bias and discrimination against women TECH 2022, which is a healthcare information technology and biotechnology consulting firm via a management consulting organizational development (OD) framework case study analysis.
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1.0 Introduction

Women represent 50% of workers in the United States but only 28% of the employees at 51 of the top U.S. engineering and technology organizations (Kapin, 2020). Engineering and technology firms have experienced significant challenges in creating more women-friendly cultures (Kapin, 2020). The dispiriting statistics on hostile work environments for women in engineering and technology firms speak to the need to create more women-friendly organizational cultures (Kapin, 2020). According to Women Who Tech’s most recent survey, 75% of female employees have experienced offensive jokes, 54% experienced unwelcome physical contact, 51% had sexually-oriented comments directed at them, and 35% were propositioned for sex (Kapin, 2020).

TECH 2022, which is a healthcare information technology and biotechnology consulting firm. The name TECH 2022 is a fictious name being used to protect the privacy actual firm that was part of this management consulting organizational development intervention. The organization has engaged in an assessment and found that the employee turnover rate is 75% higher than the industry average for women. The organization has also faced a legal case brought on by three former managers claiming the organization has violated the pregnancy discrimination act. In exit interviews with women who have left the company, they have consistently outlined that the organization is not women-friendly in terms of its policies and workplace culture.

1.1 Design/Methodology/Approach

The purpose of this project is to investigate the consequential impact of organizational dynamics of bias and discrimination against women TECH 2022, which is a healthcare information technology and biotechnology consulting firm via a management consulting organizational development (OD) framework case study analysis.

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