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International Journal of Green Computing (IJGC)

International Journal of Green Computing (IJGC)

Editor-in-Chief: Vicente Gonzalez-Prida (University of Seville & UNED, Spain)
Indexed In: INSPEC and 9 more indices
Published: Semi-Annually |Established: 2010
ISSN: 1948-5018|EISSN: 1948-5026|DOI: 10.4018/IJGC
Out of print.
Description & Scope
The International Journal of Green Computing (IJGC) provides managers, academicians, scientists, and researchers in various government, public, and private sectors coverage of topical issues like sustainable strategy and innovation, advanced technology related to the 4th Industry Revolution, green... Show More
Mission & Scope:
The mission of the International Journal of Green Computing (IJGC) is to serve as an interdisciplinary source of sustainable knowledge for researchers and practitioners in information technology and business. The goal of the journal is to provide academicians, research scholars, business entrepreneurs, practitioners, managers, and policymakers coverage of strategic issues and best practices for... Show More
  • Advanced and disrupted technologies
  • Automotive and consumer ergonomics
  • Barriers to high technology and transhumanism
  • Biometric security and accident prevention
  • Black Swan theory, risk and uncertainty management
  • Carbon emission, climate change and environmental issues
  • Case studies on techno-science and its implementation
  • Citizen perceptions of technology disruption
  • Computerized accounting
  • Corporate Governance
  • Corporate social responsibilities
  • Decision Making
  • Deep-seated economic, political, and societal changes due to digitalization
  • Defense and military sustainability
  • Digitalization of energy, defense, industry and environmental systems
  • E-learning, E-agriculture and technology transfer
  • Empirical, analytical and combinatorial research in applied science and green sustainability
  • Enterprise business application
  • Facilities management
  • Financial engineering
  • Forensic finance and informatics
  • Globalization
  • Globalization of science and technology
  • Green or sustainable alignment and external boundaries
  • Green or sustainable business model innovation
  • Green or sustainable capabilities, processes and assets profile
  • Green or sustainable collaboration and partnering
  • Green or sustainable commitment and focused destination
  • Green or sustainable coordination
  • Green or sustainable process for competitive advantage
  • Green or sustainable strategic alliances
  • Green or sustainable strategy and synchronized transformation
  • Green or sustainable utility, value and focused oversight
  • Green or sustainable value proposition and business positioning
  • Green or sustainable visioning and Green or sustainable organization
  • Human factors and usability
  • Industry 4.0
  • Information Systems Development
  • Innovation models and replication
  • Job analysis and design
  • Logic, history and philosophy of science and technology
  • Management and ICT development
  • Manufacturing and construction ergonomics
  • Operation and maintenance
  • Physical asset management
  • Product design and defense
  • Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety/Sustainability
  • Renewable Energy
  • Risk and uncertainty
  • Science policies
  • Scientific method as a social contract
  • Scientific method history and evolution
  • Social Engineering
  • Social Implications of techno-science
  • Survey and review research in applied science and green sustainability
  • Sustainability and entrepreneurship
  • Sustainability of techno-science
  • Techno-science
  • Virtual and global citizenship
  • Web-Based Learning
Editorial Board

Editorial Board

Vicente González-Prida, University of Seville, Spain ORCID
Associate Editors
Anand Nayyar, Duy Tan University, Viet Nam ORCID
Angappa Gunasekaran, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, United States
Bruce Ho, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
Christopher Nikulin, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile
Harlina Jaafar, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia
Jan Frick, University of Stavanger, Norway ORCID
Jayanthi Ranjan, Institute of Management Technology, India
Katri Valkokari, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland
M. Qureshi, King Khalid University, India
M. Saravanan, VPV College of Engineering, India
Maode Ma, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
María Carmen Carnero, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Matti Muhos, University of Oulu, Finland
Mukesh Barua, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India
Nasser Hakme, University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
P. Parthiban, National Institute of Technology, India
Päivi Iskanius, University of Oulu, Finland
Ponnambalam S.G., University Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia ORCID
Ponnurengam Sivakumar, Riken, Japan
R. Rajesh, Noorul Islam University, India
R. A. Malairajan, Anna University Tirunelveli, India
Resmi Thomas, Institute of Public Enterprise, India
Rika Ampuh Hadiguna, Andalas University, Indonesia ORCID
S. Nagarajan, Vickram College of Engineering, India
S.C. Koh, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
Sihyun Paik, Yanbian University of Science and Technology, China
Subramanian Pazhani, GlobalFoundries, United States
Tom Page, Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom
Tzong-Ru Lee, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
Vira Shendryk, Sumy State University, Ukraine ORCID
Yves Ducq, University of Bordeaux, France
Editorial Review Board
Amy Zeng, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, United States
Brian Freeman, University of Guelph, Canada
Gabriele Turconi, Italy
Helena Carvalho, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Ivana Domazet, Institute of Economic Sciences, Serbia ORCID
Janet Sanders, East Carolina University, United States
Jayakumar Shambu, University of Stavanger, Norway
Jian-Hao Feng, USTC Hefei, China
Jianming Liang, Arizona State University, United States
Jinsop Park, Dallas Baptist University, United States
Jitendra Verma, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, India ORCID
José Contreras, INGECON, Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic Of
Jun Shen, University of Wollongong, Australia ORCID
Junho Shim, Sookmyung Women's University, Korea, Republic Of
Kelly Funo, Sao Paulo State University, Brazil
Michele Ruta, Politecnico di Bari, Italy
Neetu Sardana, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, India
Nuno Ribeiro, Universidade Fernando Pessoa, Portugal ORCID
Paranjit Kumar, Osmania University, India
Peter Hosie, Curtin University, Australia
Prantosh Paul, Raiganj University, India ORCID
R. Hemachitra, Sikkim Manipal University, India
Robertt Valente, University of Aveiro, Portugal
S. Silvian, Saveetha University, India
Sabariah Mohamad, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia
Sotiris Karetsos, Agricultural University of Athens, Greece ORCID
Stefanos Tsiaras, Artistotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece ORCID
Steve Zhou, University of Houston-Downtown, United States
Susana Bernardino, CEOS.PP/ISCAP/P.Porto, Portugal ORCID
Zografos Konstantinos, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece
International Advisory Board
François Pérès, ENIT, France
Fredy Kristjanpoller, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile
Henk Roodt, Wintec, New Zealand
Khairy Kobbacy, Independent Researcher, United Kingdom
Editor-in-Chief Emeriti
K. Ganesh, McKinsey Knowledge Center, McKinsey & Company, India
S.P. Anbuudayasankar, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India
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Editorial Office
701 E. Chocolate Ave.
Hershey, PA 17033, USA
717-533-8845 x100
Ownership and Management

The International Journal of Green Computing (IJGC) is owned and published by IGI Global.

International Journal of Green Computing (IJGC) is editorially independent, with full authority of the journal's content falling to the Editor-in-Chief and the journal's Editorial Board.

The In-House Editorial Office manages the publishing operations of the journal.

IGI Global
701 East Chocolate Avenue
Hershey, PA 17033

Principal Contact
Grace Long
Managing Editor of Journal Development
IGI Global
Phone: (717) 533-8845 ext. 147

Support Contact
Colleen Moore
Development Editor - International Journal of Green Computing (IJGC)
IGI Global
Phone: 717-533-8845