Intrusion Detection and Information Security Audits

Intrusion Detection and Information Security Audits

Terry T. Kidd, Robert K. Hiltbrand
Copyright: © 2007 |Pages: 7
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-987-8.ch061
(Individual Chapters)
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The rapid expansion and dramatic advances in information technology in recent years have without question generated tremendous benefits to business and organizations. At the same time, this expansion has created significant, unprecedented risks to organization operations. Computer security has, in turn, become much more important as organizations utilize information systems and security measures to avoid data tampering, fraud, disruptions in critical operations, and inappropriate disclosure of sensitive information. Such use of computer security is essential in minimizing the risk of malicious attacks from individuals and groups. To be effective in ensuring accountability, management and information technology security personnel must be able to evaluate information systems security and offer recommendations for reducing security risks to an acceptable level. To do so, they must possess the appropriate resources, skills, and knowledge.

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